Software Categories:

Our software offerings comprise diverse applications that serve distinct domains, furnishing robust instruments for scholarly investigation, scientific inquiry, and vocational tasks. Whether one assumes the role of a scholar, investigator, or practitioner, our software solutions present inventive methodologies and cutting-edge functionalities to facilitate their pursuits.

  • Physics: Our physics software solutions provide advanced simulations and analyses of physical phenomena, covering classical mechanics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics. These tools offer powerful modeling and visualization capabilities for exploring and understanding the fundamental laws of the universe.
  • Mathematics: Our mathematics software solutions provide comprehensive coverage of mathematical concepts, from data analysis to advanced modeling and scientific computation. These tools offer a variety of approaches and techniques for solving mathematical problems and analyzing complex systems.
  • Chemistry: Our software solutions for quantum chemistry equip researchers with advanced instruments to scrutinize and interpret chemical properties, encompassing molecular structures and reaction kinetics. These instruments provide potent visualization and analysis capabilities to unravel chemical mechanisms and devise novel materials.
  • Biology: Our biology software solutions provide cutting-edge tools for analyzing complex biological systems and processes, covering topics such as genomics, proteomics, and biomedical engineering. These tools offer powerful data visualization and analysis capabilities for understanding the underlying mechanisms of life.
  • GIS: Our GIS software solutions provide sophisticated tools for spatial analysis, mapping, and visualization. These tools offer powerful capabilities for exploring geographic data, creating custom maps, and analyzing complex spatial relationships across various domains, including urban planning, environmental management, and transportation engineering.
  • Utilities: Our utilities software solutions provide tools like compilers and container software to streamline HPC workflow, improve performance, and boost productivity.

Software Catalog:

Software Name Category Description Documentation
Matlab Mathematics Numeric computing and programming environment for engineers/scientists.
Mathematica Mathematics Symbolic and numerical computations, data analysis, visualization.
Gurobi Mathematics Powerful mathematical optimization solver for large-scale problems.
Cplex Mathematics CPLEX is a high-performance mathematical optimization solver.
R Mathematics Open-source language for statistical computing and graphics.
Adcirc Mathematics ADCIRC is a numerical model for storm surge forecasting.
FFTW Mathematics FFTW is a fast Fourier transform library
Num Utils Mathematics Numutils is a collection of numerical libraries.
Octave Mathematics Octave is a high-level language for numerical computations.
Petsc Mathematics PETSc is a library for scalable scientific computing.
Comsol Physics COMSOL is a multiphysics simulation software platform.
Grass GIS GRASS GIS is a free geospatial analysis software.
LLAMPS Physics LLAMPS is a molecular dynamics simulation software package.
QEspresso Physics Quantum ESPRESSO is a package for materials modeling.
Sprnt GIS SPRNT is a river dynamics simulation software package.
GDAL GIS GDAL is a library for geospatial data processing.
GeOS GIS GEOS is a C++ library for geometric operations.
Gromacs Physics GROMACS is a molecular dynamics simulation software package.
Lhapdf Physics LHAPDF is a library for high-energy physics.
Metis Physics METIS is a graph partitioning and meshing tool.
Moose Physics MOOSE is a framework for multiphysics simulation.
NCL NCAR GIS NCL is a data analysis and visualization tool for atmospheric and oceanic sciences.
Nx Nastran Physics NX Nastran is a finite element analysis software.
OpenAL Physics OpenAL is an open-source 3D audio library.
Parmetis Physics ParMETIS is a parallel graph partitioning library.
Phana Physics Phana is a software package for analyzing phonon properties.
Phreeqcrm Chemistry Phreeqcrm is a geochemical modeling software package.
Proj GIS PROJ is a cartographic projection software library.
Pythia Physics Pythia is a particle physics event generator software.
Questa Physics Questa is a digital verification and simulation software.
SFML Physics SFML is a multimedia library for game development.
Gaussian Chemistry Gaussian is a quantum chemistry software package.
Orca Chemistry Orca is a quantum chemistry software package.
Q-chem Chemistry Q-Chem is a quantum chemistry simulation software.
Allpaths Biology Genome assembly software for large and complex genomes.
Augustus Biology Ab initio gene prediction software for eukaryotic genomes.
BBmap Biology Fast and accurate nucleotide sequence alignment software.
Blast Biology Sequence similarity search software for nucleotide/protein databases.
Bamtools Biology Fast and accurate nucleotide sequence alignment software.
Bismark Biology Bisulfite sequence alignment and methylation analysis software.
Bowtie Biology Ultrafast and memory-efficient nucleotide sequence alignment software.
Blat Biology Rapid sequence alignment software for nucleotide sequences.
Braker Biology Gene prediction software for RNA-seq data.
Busco Biology Evaluation of genome assembly and annotation completeness software.
Cufflinks Biology Transcriptome assembly and differential expression analysis software.
Edta Biology Retrotransposon identification and removal software for genome assembly.
Fastimcoal Biology Fast and efficient coalescent simulation software for population genetics.
Fastqc Biology Quality control tool for high-throughput sequencing data.
Faststructures Biology Software for Bayesian analysis of population structure.
Freesurfer Biology Software suite for brain MRI image analysis.
Fsl Biology Software library for neuroimaging data analysis.
Hisat Biology Hierarchical indexing for spliced alignment of transcripts.
InterProScan Biology Protein functional analysis software using multiple databases.
LTR retriever Biology Software for identifying and annotating LTR retrotransposons.
Last Biology Software for finding similar regions between sequences.
Maker Biology Genome annotation software for eukaryotic organisms.
Masurca Biology Hybrid genome assembly software for large and complex genomes.
Miniasm Biology Ultrafast de novo assembly software for long reads.
Minimap Biology Software for mapping long noisy sequencing reads.
Mira Biology De novo genome assembly software for next-generation sequencing data.
Nanopolish Biology Software for signal-level analysis of nanopore sequencing data.
Organell Biology Software for assembling and annotating organellar genomes.
Orthofinder Biology Software for identifying orthologous genes among multiple species.
Porechop Biology Software for adapter trimming of nanopore sequencing data.
Qiime Biology Software for analyzing microbial communities from DNA sequencing data.
Quast Biology Quality assessment tool for genome assemblies.
Raxml Biology Software for maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree inference.
Repeat Modeler Biology Software for de novo repeat family identification and modeling.
Salmon Biology Software for fast and accurate transcript quantification from RNA-seq.
Samtools Biology Software for manipulating and analyzing SAM/BAM format files.
Stacks Biology Software for population genomics analysis using restriction site-associated DNA.
Supernova Biology Software for de novo genome assembly from linked-read sequencing data.
Transdecoder Biology Software for identifying candidate coding regions within transcript sequences.
Transposome Biology Software for identification and annotation of transposable elements.
Trinity Biology De novo transcriptome assembly software from RNA-seq data.
Bam-readcount Biology Software for counting aligned reads at genomic positions.
Bgc Biology Software for identifying and analyzing biosynthetic gene clusters.
Diyabc Biology Software for inferring demographic history using molecular markers.
Evidence Modeler(EVM) Biology Software for integrating evidence for genome annotation.
Genemark Biology SAb initio gene prediction software for prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes.
Generax Biology Software for genome and transcriptome assembly and annotation.
Gmap Biology Software for mapping and aligning cDNA and genomic sequences.
Grid Biology Software for analyzing genetic data from pedigrees.
Hifiasm Biology De novo assembly software for highly heterozygous diploid genomes.
Hmmer Biology Software for protein sequence analysis using hidden Markov models.
HyPhy Biology Software for analyzing genetic sequence data for molecular evolution.
Ima2p Biology Software for protein sequence analysis using hidden Markov models.
Ima2p Biology Software for inferring demographic history using SNP data.
Ivc(Issac) Biology Software for correcting sequencing errors in Illumina reads using k-mer frequencies.
Jags Biology Software for Bayesian statistical analysis using Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation.
Kallisto Biology Software for quantifying transcript abundances from RNA-seq data.
Kraken Biology Software for taxonomic classification of metagenomic sequencing data using k-mers.
Meraculous Biology De novo genome assembly software for large and complex genomes using Illumina reads.
Modeltest NG Biology Software for selecting the best-fitting model of nucleotide or amino acid substitution for phylogenetic analysis.
Mricron Biology MRI image viewer and analysis software tool.
Nanosim Biology Nanosim is a simulation tool for nanopore sequencing.
NextDenovo Biology NextDenovo is a string graph-based de novo assembler for long reads
Nextpolish Biology NextPolish is a software for polishing long-read assemblies.
Pbsuite Biology PBsuite is a suite of bioinformatics tools for PacBio long-read sequencing data analysis.
Phylobayes Biology Bayesian inference of phylogenies from DNA/RNA data.
Poretally Biology Benchmark nanopore assembly pipelines using poreTally.
Price Biology Price is a de novo genome assembler.
pyRad Biology pyRAD: Python-based restriction site associated DNA analysis.
Racer Biology Hybrid assembly correction tool for long reads.
Racon Biology Racon is a consensus module for long-read assemblers.
Redundans Biology Redundans: reduce redundancy and improve genome assembly.
Sga Biology SGA: de Bruijn graph-based genome assembly tool.
SPAdes Biology SPAdes: de novo assembly of microbial genomes.
Sra toolkit Biology NCBI SRA file format conversion and manipulation tool.
Star Biology Star is a fast RNA-seq aligner.
Velvet Biology Velvet is a de novo short read assembler.
Boost Utilities Portable source-level C++ libraries and development tools.
Charm ++ Utilities Parallel programming system with dynamic load balancing.
HPC Compilers Utilities Collection of installed compilers on HPC
Cuda Utilities Parallel computing platform and programming model developed by NVIDIA
Eigen Utilities C++ template library for linear algebra
Go Utilities Open source programming language for networked computing.
Gsl Utilities C library for numerical computations and statistics.
Julia Utilities High-level dynamic programming language for technical computing.
NetCDF Utilities Data format and software for scientific data access.
Perl Utilities High-level scripting language for text manipulation.
Pgi Utilities High-performance optimizing compilers for parallel computing.
Ruby Utilities Dynamic, open source programming language with elegance.
Singularity Utilities Containerization platform for scientific and high-performance computing.
Spark Utilities Distributed computing system for big data processing.
Valgrind Utilities Dynamic analysis tools for debugging and profiling.
Conda Utilities Package manager for Python (and more).
TCL/TK Utilities TCL/TK: GUI development with easy scripting language.
Trimgalore Biology Adapter trimming tool for next-gen sequencing data.
WRF-Hydro GIS Hydrological modeling system for simulating water cycle.
Udunits Utilities Library for handling units of physical quantities.
VCF Tools Biology Utility for manipulating variant call format files.